Thursday, April 25, 2019


    There are many benefits students receive from high school physical education classes that contribute to students becoming responsible adults who are aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. High school students retain a higher level of knowledge related to overall health that help them make educated decisions regarding their own health, safety and well-being.
Regular Fitness Activity
Physical fitness is an important component to leading a healthy lifestyle. The inclusion of regular fitness activity helps students maintain fitness, develop muscular strength and improve cardiovascular health. A regular fitness activity improves the absorption of nutrients by the body, improves digestive processes and increases physiological processes.
Builds Self-Confidence
The participation in physical education in high school provides a positive influence on a student's personality, character and self-esteem. In addition, the team-building process enhances communication skills, and the skills required to get along and cooperate with students of varying ethnic backgrounds and personalities.
Develops Motor Skills
Physical education in high school is essential to the development of motor skills and the enhancement of reflexes. Hand-eye coordination is improved, as well as good body movements, which helps in the development of a healthy body posture.
Health and Nutrition
Physical education teaches students the importance of physical health. High school is an age where students misinterpret the meaning of "overweight" and eating disorders prevail. Physical health and education informs students on sound eating practices and the essential guidelines for nutrition.
Relieves Stress
High school students have substantial amounts of stress due to curriculum, homework, families and peer pressures. Involvement in sports, recreational activities or other forms of physical fitness offer a method of stress relief.
Special considerations may be necessary regarding physical activities for some students with health issues, and those students should proceed under the direction of a doctor.

Thursday, April 4, 2019



                        National Policy on Education

        The NPE ’86 has lucidly explained: “The concept of a ‘National System of Education’ implies that, up to a given level, all students, irrespective of caste, creed, location or sex have access to education of a comparable quality. To achieve this end, the government will initiate funded programmes. Effective measures will be taken in the direction of the common school system recommended in 1968 policy”.
1. Common Educational structure:
It envisages a common educational structure i.e. 10 + 2 + 3 which was recommended by Kothari Commission (1964-66). This structure has now been accepted in all parts of the country. Regarding the further break-up of first 10 years efforts will be made to move towards an elementary system comprising 5 years of primary education and 3 years of upper primary followed by 2 years of High School.
2. National Curricular Framework with a Common Core:
The national system of education will be based on a national curricular framework which contains a common core along with other components that are flexible. The common core will include the history of India’s freedom movement, the constitutional obligations and other content essential to nurture national identity.
These elements cut across subject areas and will be designed to promote values such as India’s common cultural heritage, egalitarianism, democracy, secularism, equality of sexes, protection of the environment, removal of social barriers, observation of small family norm and inculcation of scientific temper. All educational programmes will be carried on in spirit conformity with secular values.
The following common scheme of studies has been suggested in the national curriculum framework:
(i) One language at primary level and three languages at the upper primary and secondary level,
(ii) Mathematics.
(iii) Environmental studies—science and social sciences,
(iv) Work-experience/S.U.P.W., pre-vocational courses,
(v) Art education, and
(vi) Health and physical education.
3. Equality of Opportunity of Education:
To promote equality it will be necessary to provide for equal opportunity to all not only in access, but also in the conditions for success. Besides, awareness of the inherent equality of all will be created through the spectrum of core curriculum. The purpose is to remove prejudices and complexes transmitted through the social environment and the accident by birth.
4. Minimum Levels of Learning:
It will be laid down for each stage of education. This will ensure a comparable standard of education for each area of learning in the curriculum. This will serve as a reference in the development of instructional materials, selection of suitable teaching learning strategies and evaluating learner’s progress. It would also help maintaining a reasonable standard of education throughout the country.
5. Understanding of Cultural and Social Systems:
The NPE ’86 states, “steps will be taken to foster among students an understanding of diverse cultural and social system of the people living in different parts of the country. To promote this objective, the link language has to be developed and programmes of translating books from one language to another and publishing multi-lingual dictionaries and glossaries should be implemented.” The Policy stated, “The young will be encouraged to undertake the rediscovery of India, each in his own image and perception”.
6. International Understanding:
True to the hoary tradition of India following the principle of amity and co-operation among nations, education has to strengthen peace and understanding between nations, treating the whole world as one family and motivate the younger generations for international co-operation and peaceful co-existence. This aspect cannot be neglected.
7. Inter-regional Mobility:
NPE suggests that in higher education in general and technical education in particular, steps will be taken to facilitate inter-regional mobility by providing equal access to every Indian of requisite merit regardless of his origins. The universal character of universities and other institution; of higher education is to be understood for promoting a sense of national identity and mobility.
8. Pooling of Resources:
In the areas of research and development and education in science and technology, special measures will be taken to establish network arrangement between different institutions in the country’ to pool their resources and participate in projects of national importance.
9. Priorities of Educational Reforms:
The nation, as a whole, assumes the responsibility of providing research support for implementing programmes of educational transformation, reducing disparities, universalization of elementary education, adult literacy, scientific and technological research, etc.
10. Life-long Education:
Life-long education is a cherished goal of educational process. It pre-supposes universal literacy. Opportunities will be provided to the youth, housewives, agricultural and industrial workers and professionals to continue the education of their choice at their own pace. The future thrust will be in the direction of open and distance learning.
11. Strengthening of National Institutions:
The NPE ’86 recommends that the institutions of national importance like UGC, NCERT, NIEPA, AICTE, ICAR, IMC etc. will be strengthened to enable them to give shape to national system of education and to cope with the emerging demands of the nation.
Integrated planning will be instituted among all these premier bodies so as to establish functional linkages and reinforce programmes of research and post-graduate education.


                                          EFFECTIVE STUDY HABITS!
          Effective study habits -- studying smarter -- can be learned to improve your ability to better retain reading material. These habits include approaching study with the right attitude, choosing the right environment, minimizing distractions, setting a realistic schedule, and employing memory games, among others.
Students grapple with many issues in their lives, and because of all of the competing things for your attention, it’s hard to concentrate on studying. And yet if you’re in school, you have to do at least a little studying in order to progress from year to year.
If you want better grades, you need more effective study habits. The key to effective studying isn’t cramming or studying longer, but studying smarter. You can begin studying smarter with these ten proven and effective study habits.

1. How you approach studying matters.

Too many people look at studying as a necessary task, not an enjoyment or opportunity to learn. That’s fine, but researchers have found that how you approach something matters almost as much as what you do. Being in the right mindset is important in order to study smarter.
Sometimes you can’t “force” yourself to be in the right mindset, and it is during such times you should simply avoid studying. If you’re distracted by a relationship issue, an upcoming game, or finishing an important project, then studying is just going to be an exercise in frustration. Come back to it when you’re not focused (or obsessed!) by something else going on in your life.
Ways to help improve your study mindset:
  • Aim to think positively when you study, and remind yourself of your skills and abilities.
  • Avoid catastrophic thinking. Instead of thinking, “I’m a mess, I’ll never have enough time to study for this exam,” look at it like, “I may be a little late to study as much as I’d like, but since I’m doing it now, I’ll get most of it done.”
  • Avoid absolute thinking. Instead of thinking “I always mess things up,” the more objective view is, “I didn’t do so well that time, what can I do to improve?”
  • Avoid comparing yourself with others, because you usually just end up feeling bad about yourself. Your skills and abilities are unique to you, and you alone.

2. Where you study is important.

A lot of people make the mistake of studying in a place that really isn’t conducive to concentrating. A place with a lot of distractions makes for a poor study area. If you try and study in your dorm room, for instance, you may find the computer, TV, or a roommate more interesting than the reading material you’re trying to digest.
The library, a nook in a student lounge or study hall, or a quiet coffee house are good places to check out. Make sure to choose the quiet areas in these places, not the loud, central gathering areas. Investigate multiple places on-campus and off-campus, don’t just pick the first one your find as “good enough” for your needs and habits. Finding an ideal study place is important, because it’s one you can reliably count on for the next few years.

3. Bring everything you need, nothing you don’t.

Unfortunately, when you find an ideal place to study, sometimes people bring things they don’t need. For instance, while it may seem ideal to type notes into your laptop to refer back to later, computers are a powerful distraction for many people because of their versatility. Playing games, checking your feeds, texting, and watching videos are all wonderful distractions that have nothing to do with studying. So ask yourself whether you really need your laptop to take notes, or whether you can make do with old-fashioned paper and pen or pencil. Keep your phone in your purse or backpack to keep distraction at bay as much as possible.
Don’t forget the things you need to study for the class, exam, or paper you’re focusing on for the study session. Nothing is more time-consuming and wasteful than having to run back and forth regularly because you forget an important book, paper, or some other resource you need to be successful. If you study best with your favorite music playing, try and limit your interaction with your phone while changing tracks. Your phone is a potential time-sink and one of the worst enemies of concentration.

4. Outline and rewrite your notes.

Most people find that keeping to a standard outline format helps them boil information down to its most basic components. People find that connecting similar concepts together makes it easier to remember when the exam comes around. The important thing to remember in writing outlines is that an outline only words as a learning tool when it is in your own words and structure. Every person is unique in how they put similar information together (called “chunking” by cognitive psychologists). So while you’re welcomed to copy other people’s notes or outlines, make sure you translate those notes and outlines into your own words and concepts. Failing to do this is what often causes many students to stumble in remembering important items.
It may also be helpful to use as many senses as possible when studying, because information is retained more readily in people when other senses are involved. That’s why writing notes works in the first place – it puts information into words and terms you understand. Mouthing the words out loud while you copy the notes before an important exam can be one method for involving yet another sense.

5. Use memory games (mnemonic devices).

Memory games, or mnemonic devices, are methods for remembering pieces of information using a simple association of common words. Most often people string together words to form a nonsense sentence that is easy to remember. The first letter of each word can then be used to stand for something else – the piece of information you’re trying to remember. The most common mnemonic device example is “Every Good Boy Deserves Fun.” Putting the first letters of every word together gives a music student the five notes for treble clef.
The key to such memory devices is the new phrase or sentence you come up with has to be more memorable and easier to remember than the terms or information you’re trying to learn. These don’t work for everyone, so if they don’t work for you, don’t use them.
Mnemonic devices are helpful because you use more of your brain to remember visual and active images than you do to remember just a list of items. Using more of your brain means better memory.

6. Practice by yourself or with friends.

The old age adage, practice makes perfect, is true. You can practice by yourself by testing yourself with either practice exams, past quizzes, or flash cards (depending what kind of course it is and what’s available). If a practice exam isn’t available, you can make one up for yourself and your classmates (or find someone who will). If a practice or old exam from a course is available, use it as a guide – do not study to the practice or old exam! (Too many students treat such exams as the real exams, only to be disappointed when the real exam has none of the same questions). Such exams help you understand the breadth of content and types of questions to expect, not the actual material to study for.
Some people enjoy reviewing their materials with a group of friends or classmates. Such groups work best when they’re kept small (4 or 5 others), with people of similar academic aptitude, and with people taking the same class. Different formats work for different groups. Some groups like to work through chapters together, quizzing one another as they go through it. Others like to compare class notes, and review materials that way, ensuring they haven’t missed any critical points. Such study groups can be helpful for many students, but not all.


                               IMPORTANCE OF PARENTS IN OUR LIFE...
     The importance of parents in life is depending on our sanskaras and thinking. Parents play the biggest role in our development. Father & Mother play important role in our mental, physical, social, financial and career development. They help us in every step of our life. Parents are the most precious gift of God for humans. When we are happy then they are happy. They slapped on us when we did wrong. In a time of mistakes, they are like a teacher. They trained us very hard style for the future challenges.
     When we are happy then they are happy. They slapped on us when we did wrong. In a time of mistakes, they are like a teacher. They trained us very hard style for the future challenges. 
      Parents are living for us. They are real God and our first teacher. They know everything about us. What we like, love and our common habits. They know what things disturb us and what kind of mental attitude we have. That’s why I think why is parents involvement important in child’s education.
     Because when we give our children the freedom to choose any offline or online education platform and stream, it will make them happy. Parenting a child is not easy. There are great positive effects of parental involvement in education. And I think understanding kids freedom, interest, happiness and passion will impact on their study and career.



                                   DANCE- HEALTH BENEFITS

On this page:

There are many forms of dance, from ballroom to barn dancing and disco to Morris dancing. Dance has always been a part of human culture, rituals and celebrations. Today, most dancing is about recreation and self-expression, although it can also be done as a competitive activity. Dancing is an enjoyable way to be more physically active and stay fit.

Health benefits of dancing

Dancing can be a way to stay fit for people of all ages, shapes and sizes. It has a wide range of physical and mental benefits including:
  • improved condition of your heart and lungs
  • increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness
  • increased aerobic fitness
  • improved muscle tone and strength
  • weight management
  • stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis
  • better coordination, agility and flexibility
  • improved balance and spatial awareness
  • increased physical confidence
  • improved mental functioning
  • improved general and psychological well being
  • greater self-confidence and self-esteem
  • better social skills.

Getting started with dancing

You can dance in a group, with a partner, or on your own. There are lots of different places where you can enjoy dancing, for example, at dance schools, social venues, community halls and in your own home. Dancing has become such a popular way to be active and keep fit, that most fitness clubs now offer dance classes in their group exercise programs.

Dancing can be done both competitively and socially. It can be a great recreational and sporting choice, because anyone of any age can take part. It doesn’t matter whether it is cold or raining, as dancing is usually done indoors.

The gear you need for dancing will depend on the style of dancing you choose. For example, tap dancing will involve buying tap shoes, whereas ballet will need ballet slippers and ballet clothing. To get started, simply choose a style you enjoy, or would like to try, look in the Yellow Pages or online for dance schools in your local area and join a class.

Types of dance

There are many styles of dance to choose from, each with its own attractions. Popular styles of dancing include:
  • Ballet – mostly performed to classical music, this dance style focuses on strength, technique and flexibility.
  • Ballroom dancing – this involves a number of partner-dancing styles such as the waltz, swing, foxtrot, rumba and tango.
  • Belly dancing – originating in the Middle East, this dance style is a fun way to exercise.
  • Hip-hop – performed mostly to hip-hop music, this urban dance style can involve breaking, popping, locking and free styling.
  • Jazz – a high-energy dance style involving kicks, leaps and turns to the beat of the music.
  • Pole dancing – has become increasingly popular as a form of exercise. It involves sensual dancing with a vertical pole, and requires muscle endurance, coordination, and upper- and lower-body strength.
  • Salsa – involving a mixture of Caribbean, Latin American and African influences, salsa is usually a partner dance and emphasizes rhythms and sensuality.
  • Square-dancing – a type of folk dancing where four couples dance in a square pattern, moving around each other and changing partners.
  • Tap dancing – focuses on timing and beats. The name originates from the tapping sounds made when the small metal plates on the dancer’s shoes touch the ground

Choosing a dance style

When choosing a dance style, ask yourself questions such as:
  • Do I want to dance to improve my fitness?
  • Am I trying to improve my flexibility and coordination?
  • Do I prefer fast dancing or slow dancing?
  • Do I want to dance with a partner, or on my own?
  • Do I want to join a group, or have private lessons?
  • Will I enjoy competitions, or do I want to dance just for fun?

General tips for dancing

If you are thinking of taking up dancing, suggestions include:

  • See your doctor for a check-up if you have a medical condition, are overweight, are over 40 years of age or are unfit.
  • Wear layers of clothing that you can take off as your body warms up.
  • Do warm-up stretches or activities before you begin a dance session.
  • Drink plenty of water before, during and after dancing.
  • Make sure you rest between dance sessions.
  • Don’t push yourself too far or too fast, especially if you are a beginner.
  • Wear professionally fitted shoes appropriate to your style of dance.
  • Check with your dance instructor that you are holding the correct form.
  • Sit and watch new dance moves first. Learning new moves increases your risk of injury, especially if you are already tired.
  • Perform regular leg-strengthening exercises.
  • Move as fluidly and gracefully as you can.
  • Cool down after a dance session, including stretching.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019




     We all like to become successful in everything we do. As bloggers, we want our blogs to be well known and successful within the shortest possible time. This is really cool but to achieve this, we must figure out success guides for our blogging career.
    I’ve taken the time to compile a short list of quotes from some famous people which we can always apply to move our careers forward anytime. I’ve also taken the time to explain the connections between these quotes and moving your career forward.
Sit back and enjoy the post!

Writing Viral Posts

1 “I never perfected an invention that I did not think about in terms of service it might give others. I find out what the world needs, I proceed to invent”
Thomas Edison
Tip: To write post people will appreciate and make go viral, you need to write the very kinds that will suit the needs of people. Don’t just write because you feel like writing, your writing should be about them not about you. Solve their problems and trust me they will always come back your blog for more.

Overcoming Procrastination

“You could have a million ideas; they are worthless if you don’t get them done”.
Lauren Amarante
Tip: The only way to write great contents is by writing them now and not listing them up them as post ideas. Who knows if it is that post you haven’t written yet but have an idea that will take your blog from zero to 100,000 subscribers? Don’t delay it, just write now!

Embracing Failure

“Failure defeats losers, failure inspire winners”
-  Robert Kiyosaki
Tip: Don’t let failure discourage you; failure today should inspire you for success tomorrow. In fact, if you will have to move forward as a blogger, you need to pray for failure to come your way.
Ask many successful people today, they’ll tell you how they once failed big time. Not even small failures; they failed big time to succeed big time.
“Expect the best. Prepare for the worst, Capitalize on what comes”
Zig Ziglar
Tip: Don’t let your career be destroyed by disappointments. When they come, be prepared, tackle them wisely and capitalize on the next working approach.

Becoming Successful

“There is no luck, you work hard and study things intently. If you do that for long and hard enough you’re successful”
Jason Calacians
Tip: Hard work is what brings results we mistakenly call luck. The more hardworking you are, the luckier you get and more successful you become.

Acquiring Knowledge

"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else"
- Albert Einstein
One of the secrets of success is learning what others don’t know. If you are to have an edge over your competetion, then you must be ready to acquire extra knowledge.
What you know that others don’t is one of the reasons why people will choose to patronize you rather than patronizing others.
For example, if you choose to have an edge over others concerning retaining more traffic to your blogs.

Being Passionate

“Passion is the genesis of genius”
Tonny Robbison
Tip: You’ve probably wondered why how some people seem to be the only experts in their niche. The simple secret lies in being passionate about what they do.
The more passionate you become, the deeper you dig into your field and the more expertise you develop. Passion won’t allow you quit. It’ll keep you going all times whether the journey is rough or smooth.
You won’t care. If you can successfully identify what you’re passionate about, try to be the best at doing it.
I remember how Joseph friends used to call him a jobless internet addict then when he started They laughed at him that he should do something better with his life rather than “writing and publishing articles”.
Joseph refused to listen to them because he was passionate about blogging, it’s something he enjoys doing that is why he has been able to successfully manage 4 blogs in just 2 yrs.
I also remember the night he called to tell me how is dorm mates gathered round him pleading to learn how to blog after he got a freelance job worth $900 dollars. It was so funny to hear that the same set of people who mocked him earlier want to learn from him.
This is what passion does for you; it lifts you above mockery and brings your career into the limelight.


         This week we started our peer evaluation. It was such a good experience for us by evaluating our peers classes. Then an eye donat...