Thursday, November 1, 2018



žGeoGebra is interactive free dynamic mathematics software.
žIt is used for all levels of education that brings together geometry, algebra, statistics, spreadsheets and calculus application indeed for learning and teaching mathematics and science from primary school to university level in a easy to use package.
žConstructions can be made with points, vectors, lines, polygons, conic sections, inequalities, implicit polynomials and functions. All of them can be changed afterwards.
žElements can be entered and modified directly by using mouse or through input bars.
žGeoGebra has the ability to use variables for numbers , vectors and points and also can find derivatives.
žTeachers and students can use this to make conjectures and to understand how to prove geometric theorems.
žGeoGebra have become the leading provider of dynamic mathematics software supporting science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
žInteractive teaching and learning resources created with GeoGebra can be shared and used by everyone at 
žThis application has won several educational software awards across the globe.

                             MORE ABOUT GEOGEBRA 

žIt encourages student’s projects in mathematics, multiple presentations,  experimental and guided discovery learning. 
žThis application was created to help students gain a better understanding of mathematics. 
žThe primary role of teaching is not to lecture, explain or attempt to transfer knowledge, but to create situations for students that will foster their making the necessary mental constructions.In that sense this application provides a good opportunity for cooperative learning  


žFully interactive, easy to use interface with many powerful features .
žAccess to an ever expanding pool of resources at 
žAvailable in many languages.

žA fun way to really see and experience mathematics and science.
žAdaptable to any curriculum or project .
žUsed by millions of people around the world
ž built  support for animation. 

ž Students with no previous programming experience will be hard to manage with inputting algebraic commands.
žAlthough it is not difficult to learn the basic commands of GeoGebra, some students may feel uncomfortable or completely lost.   


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